SADA ask for better compensation for informal workers

The Stainable Alternative Development Association (SADA) urged the Ministry of Finance (MOF) to reconsider the regulations on the 5,000 baht handout measures to part time employees.

As part of the government’s second relief package worth 117 billion that was approved by the cabinet on Tuesday, a handout of 5,000 baht per month for a period of three months will be given to 3 million part-time workers that are not registered with the social security system.

These part-time workers within the informal sector include daily workers, street vendors, taxi drivers along with farmers and people that do not have regular income such as tour guides and workers at boxing rings, sports complexes, entertainment venues, spas etc.

SADA said the number of workers within the informal sector is actually around 21.6 million people. Of that, 3 million are registered with the Social Security Office (SSO). The remaining 18.6 are not registered within the social security system.

They are also asking for a moratorium on principal and interest rate payments along with suspensions on all other financial penalties from all financial institutions and without conditions for a period of 12 months. This is because many groups of workers within the informal sector do not have any work to do at the moment. 

SADA also asked for the Government Savings Bank to refinance informal debts outside the financial system into formal debts with the bank as well.

For workers that are registered with the social security system, they are now receiving 50 per cent of their wages for 180 days from the SSO if their employer went out of business at no more than 7,500 baht per month.

For SSO registered workers whose employers have been ordered to temporarily close down by the government, the SSO will pay 50 per cent of their wages for no more than 60 days at no more than 7,500 baht per month.

If the worker for businesses that have ordered to temporarily close actually quit, he/she will receive 30 per cent of their wages for 90 days at no more than 4,500 baht per month from the SSO. If they were laid off, they will receive 50 per cent of their wages for no more than 180 days at no more than 7,500 baht per month.

The MOF insisted that people who are waiting for the 5,000 baht cash handouts should not rush to banks as that could lead to the risk of infections. Non-SSO-registered workers can use the saving account that they currently own and use the account information to register for the handouts at www.เราไม่ทิ้งกัน.com, a website that has been set up especially for the scheme.

The website will be online Saturday 18:00 pm onwards.


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