Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health confirmed on Saturday, 109 new cases of coronavirus and one new fatality from the disease.
The total number of confirmed cases now stands at 1,245 cases and six fatalities.
Of the confirmed cases, 1,032 patients are Thai nationals while 213 are foreign nationals. The majority of those infected are male at 61.4 per cent.
Bangkok was the largest site of the outbreak with 534 confirmed cases within the capital. The greater Bangkok area also saw 144 other cases. 488 Cases were spread throughout the other provinces while 79 cases were recorded in the country’s three southernmost provinces. The cases in the deep south stem partly from a religious festival in Malaysia which has also been the major cause of outbreak in that country as well.
“As you can see, the number of cases continues to rise,” said Ministry of Public Health spokesman Dr Taweesin Visanayothin, “that means we cannot rest and must continue to practice self-isolation and discipline.
Thai deaths overseas
Two Thais have died from coronavirus in New York City, the United States’ epicenter of the outbreak, the Thai consulate in New York confirmed on Friday.
This brings the total number of Thai ex-pat deaths to three including a woman in Washington DC who passed away earlier in the week.
State of Emergency
We have released a new video detailing the provisions of the state of emergency. Watch below.
Here are the provisions of #Thailand's State of Emergency #โคโรนาไวรัส #โควิด19 #โควิท19 #พรกฉุกเฉินฯ
— Thai Enquirer (@ThaiEnquirer) March 27, 2020