Opinion: Revelations that senior figures involved in human trafficking should surprise no one

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The revelation that many high-profile figures have been involved in or know about the human trafficking trade should comes no surprise to longtime observers in Thailand.

This past weekend Move Forward MP Rangsiman Rome invited former Police Major General Paveen Pongsirin to talk about his story and specifically the circumstances that led to his current exile in Australia.

For those that don’t know Paveen was the head of an investigation into human trafficking rings in Thailand which eventually led to the arrest and conviction of many senior figures for trafficking including Army General Manas Kongpan and several local politicians, policemen and soldiers in the South of Thailand.

For his trouble, Paveen was transferred to a posting in the south. The threat of retribution or revenge led to his high profile asylum request with Australia and his resignation from the Thai police force.

Speaking to Rome, Paveen said that his investigation may have resulted in arrests but many “high profile” figures were spared during the prosecution.

No surprise

Paveen’s revelations should come as no surprise to both longtime Thai observers and the general public. There has always been the perception that organized crime in this country was run if not directly by members of the state apparatus then with the implicit knowledge and approval of powerful local figures whether it be armed forces commanders or local politicians.

Paveen’s revelations is likely just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the close relationship between organized crime and the state. And we’re not just talking about human trafficking here but all manners of smuggling whether it be drugs, endangered species, or people.

And believe it or not, this is one of those problems that is not the fault of this government.

The corruption and close relationship between the state and organized crime goes back much longer than this government has been in power.

Those who disagree may point out former PPRP Secretary General and Deputy Agricultural Minister Thammanat Prompao who was arrested in Australia for smuggling drug.

But remind yourself which party Thammanat was a part of before he joined the PPRP and how often his drug smuggling conviction came up then. (The answer is Pheu Thai and Thai Rak Thai by the way)

The truth of the matter is the rot goes much deeper than the surface and every single political party, every single armed forces has senior officials and figures involved in organized time oftentimes with the entire senior ranks of the forces in-the-know.

To change the system, wholesale reforms and harsher sentences are warranted but also greater protections for journalists and whistleblowers who question and investigate the system.

Paveen’s flight to Australia proves that the system is not in place and doesn’t protect the little guys, that has to change if we want to get rid of the rot.


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